Acquire the Design and Development Skills Required for Remote Working


So you’ve decided that you want to be a remote worker but are wondering how you can develop the skills you need to reach this amazing dream world.

Become a Remote Developer

There are a lot of developer roles and when we say a lot we mean a lot. In the job market developers are some of the most in demand at the time of writing (July 2018).

Traditional nerdy stereotypes have almost completely disappeared and as someone who has worked in many development teams I can reassure everyone that I have worked with all different kinds of people and both males and females.

The role suits people who are logical thinkers. I think it was Elon Musk who said he believes ‘everyone should learn computer science because it teaches you how to think’ and I couldn’t agree more. It teaches you to break things down into small logical steps and approach work in a constructive way. I have personally found that since learning to develop no task seems to be unsurmountable and this is because i’ve learnt to just focus on the next small step and then before you know it you’ve built something super complex without even realising it.

How long will it take to learn?

This totally depends on how much time you put into it but I have heard of people going from absolutely zero knowledge of web development to getting their first Frontend Developer Job in less than 12 months!

The key to winning all of this is perseverance. If you really want a life where you control your own time then don’t ever give up learning.

So where can you learn. Well, there are many amazing sites out there that help people learn to code. Here are just some of the top ones I would personally recommend you get started with:

CodeAcademy –

SkillCrush –

FreeCodeCamp –

Become a Remote Designer

Are you artistic or think you’d make a great designer? If so, perhaps this is the best route to remote work nirvana for you.

The skills required to be a designer are frequently self taught and I have met people who have transitioned into design roles at various stages in their life so don’t let your age or an early focus on a different career put you off.

The first thing to do if you’re interested in becoming a designer remote jobs is to decide what kind of designer you want to be. Here are just a few examples of the types that exist:

  • Web Designer
  • App Designer
  • Virtual reality Design
  • Games designers

I’ve even met people who have received board game design (scrabble anyone?) as remote work so the options really are endless but when you’re first starting it’s important to have a laser focus that will allow you to market yourself clearly to companies.

To get started seek out inspiration and get practicing. Practice like you’ve never practiced before and reach a point where you’re comfortable to start sharing your work on something like Behance.

Once you have a portfolio you are ready to start taking on freelance work. Approach this optimistically and don’t worry if your first contact with a freelance company isn’t successful.

Again perseverance is key and you will get there so don’t give up.

You only need a single freelance design role to really get the ball rolling on receiving work so continue to build your network initially and it should lead to plenty of future work.

Design inspiration

Here are some amazing places to get started with inspiration.

Design Portfolios

On point places for showcasing your portfolio of work.

Design Tools

The key tools you should be learning for the world of design.

Get Going!

Now that we’ve covered the basics of getting started as a designer or developer the only thing for you to do is get going. If you’re learning from home then you might be interested to read our ‘How to Work Remotely From Home‘ to learn the best way to reduce distractions.

Get started and don’t give up! 🙌

If you think you’re ready to start applying for roles then check out our daily updated roles for designers and developer here:

Remote Design Roles

Remote Developer Roles

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